Solo Works

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CM : Commissioned by    PB : Published at    PZ : Prize

Solo Works

Liebeslieder (Love songs), for flute solo(1985) 12′
PZ:Ancona International composition competition 1986. Italy

1st version
L’Abandon, for guitar and pre-recorded tape(1990-1992) 15′
1. L’Abandon 2. Norwegian Wood 3. Dance, Dance, Dance

2nd version
L’Abandon, for synthesizer(SY77 or TG77)and Midi(1990-1992) 15′
1.L’Abandon 2. Norwegian Wood 3. Dance, Dance, Dance

Innocent, for piano solo(2000) 12′

Jungibility, for piano solo(2005-2006) 10′
CM:Ellen Ugelvik

We will meet again, for piano solo (2009) 7′

Corridors of light, for flute solo (2012) 4′
CM:Reiko Manabe (HIbari hibari-charity)
(it is on the internet broadcasting program

The Piece under the song “Ah,vous direi-je,Maman”, for piano solo(2013) 1′
PB:Shanghai Comservatorm of Music Press

Broken Dream of a Giraffe, for piano solo(2014) 12′
CM:Yusuke Sato

One story of Ferris 145, for piano solo (2015)  3′
CM:Ferris University

Operand,Secret Garden (Vib solo) (2022) 7’00, 9’00
CM:Mizuki Aita

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